Szemelvények a diszkrét matematika fejezeteiből. Python algoritmusok [Selected Topics from Discrete Mathematics. Algorithms in Python] - Scientia Publishing House – Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
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Szemelvények a diszkrét matematika fejezeteiből. Python algoritmusok [Selected Topics from Discrete Mathematics. Algorithms in Python]
Szemelvények a diszkrét matematika fejezeteiből. Python algoritmusok [Selected Topics from Discrete Mathematics. Algorithms in Python]
Szemelvények a diszkrét matematika fejezeteiből. Python algoritmusok [Selected Topics from Discrete Mathematics. Algorithms in Python]
16 February 2024

The purpose of this university lecture note is to familiarize the reader with the fundamental knowledge and algorithms that are essential in the field of computer science. The lecture note is specifically written for students and covers the topics taught in theoretical and practical classes related to discrete mathematics at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania.

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Scientia Publishing House


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