Scientia Publishing House – Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
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A művészeti útkeresés változatai a romániai magyar időszaki sajtóban (1965–1975)
Title: A művészeti útkeresés változatai a romániai magyar időszaki sajtóban (1965–1975)
Author: Szuszámi Zsuzsanna
Publisher: Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár
ISBN: 978-606-975-070-4 ()
Date of publication: 2022-12-20
Number of pages: 206
Series: History of Science
Field of Science: Humanities / Film, Media, Theatre, Music
Weight: 0,35 kg.

Price: 45,00 RON, 3.515,00 HUF
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A művészeti útkeresés változatai a romániai magyar időszaki sajtóban (1965–1975)  [The Ways of Path Seeking in Arts Reflected by the Hungarian Periodicals in Romania (1965–1975)]

My book follows the endeavours and path seeking in fine arts between 1965 and 1975 as reflected in the contemporary press, more specifically in the most important cultural magazines of the age, namely in the weekly publication Utunk, as well as in Korunk and Igaz Szó. The other main area of this book is the evolution of fine arts criticism in these magazines. As a result, the research contains an analysis of the mode of communication after 1965 and discusses how the fine arts content started becoming increasingly free in the above publications, which years saw the publication of the most fine arts-related writings, and, finally, how the slogans and obligatory content praising the party and the system found their way into the publications again after 1972.

The book is followed by an Annex, containing four interviews made with Zoltán Banner, the period’s editor of the arts column of Utunk, Lajos Kántor, the period’s columnist at Korunk, and Zsolt Gálfalvi, the period’s assistant editor at Igaz Szó. The interviews complement the image of the age at the level of oral history, but they also contain important data regarding the press of the time.

Scientia Publishing House


Scientia Publishing House

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