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A szabadkézi rajzoktatás alapjai a tájépítészetben
Title: A szabadkézi rajzoktatás alapjai a tájépítészetben
Author: Căbuz Andrea
Publisher: Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár
ISBN: 978-606-975-079-7 ()
Date of publication: 2023-05-18
Number of pages: 214
Series: University Textbooks
Field of Science: Engineering
Weight: - kg.

A szabadkézi rajzoktatás alapjai a tájépítészetben [The Basics of Freehand Drawing in Landscape Architecture]

This educational material was born from the idea of synthesising a material, which would be a visual support for students who are getting familiar with the profession of landscape architecture, focusing on aspects that are important in this regard. It is intended to serve as support material for art-based subjects in their first year of study. But it may also prove useful in the coming years in the development of other designs and projects. I took into account the fact that most students did not pursue studies in art. And those students who nevertheless have experience in artistic creation can also certainly benefit from the approaches and syntheses of the information presented. Basic art tools and techniques are introduced at the beginning. Following that, I present ways to illustrate different plants and trees with different tools in various styles. The theory of the compositional construction of an image is based on these, after which the possibilities of using colours are discussed.

This is followed by the presentation of the rules for the construction of the three-dimensional space in perspective with means of drawing. In conclusion, the importance of sketching is discussed, as well as the application of all the presented information in landscape architecture drawing. All information provided herein serves as a basis for the students, besides which their own contribution in the actual elaboration of the drawings is also exceptionally important. The basis of creative work is how it is done, but the soul is what is presented. This can only be added by the individual artists. My goal is to provide students with the necessary tools to help them express themselves, show everything that lies within them, all their knowledge, creativity, and personality. As a motivation, the vast majority of the drawings in this manual were made by students from previous years during the courses I taught them in their first year of study.

Scientia Publishing House


Scientia Publishing House

Established in the year 2001, the Cluj-Napoca-based Scientia Publishing House is the publisher of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. The Publisher’s scope of activity is in line with the mission as well as the educational and scientific development strategy.


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