Scientia Publishing House – Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
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Gramatică comparată româno-maghiară. Domeniul fonetic
Title: Gramatică comparată româno-maghiară. Domeniul fonetic
Author: Nagy Imola Katalin
Publisher: Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár
ISBN: 978-606-975-093-3 ()
Date of publication: 2024-10-21
Number of pages: 166
Series: University Textbooks
Field of Science: Humanities / Linguistics
Weight: 0,50 kg.

Price: 44,00 RON, 3.436,00 HUF
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Our volume entitled Comparative Romanian–Hungarian Grammar. The Field of Phonetics aims to provide a comparative study of the phonetic structure of Romanian and Hungarian, to draw attention to the differences that underlie the interference phenomena, and to offer some methods and practices that can help to reduce interference phenomena. The differences between the two languages, the difficulties encountered by Hungarian speakers (pronunciation errors related to the Romanian phonemes ă and î/â and the interference of the Hungarian vowels ö and ü, the difficulties in pronouncing the final i, the pronunciation of diphthongs as hiatus, the transposition of the Hungarian consonants ty and gy), the stress of the first syllable under the influence of the mother tongue are all crucial phonological points, the theoretical and especially practical aspects of which are described in this volume. The guiding principle of the book is that the articulation base can only be developed through practice and many examples and that incorrect pronunciation can only be eliminated through constant practice and exposure to beautifully and correctly articulated Romanian texts. To this end, we have tried to help all those who are interested in a comparative approach to the phonetics of Romanian.

Scientia Publishing House


Scientia Publishing House

Established in the year 2001, the Cluj-Napoca-based Scientia Publishing House is the publisher of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. The Publisher’s scope of activity is in line with the mission as well as the educational and scientific development strategy.


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