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Irányítástechnika laboratóriumi útmutató
Title: Irányítástechnika laboratóriumi útmutató
Author: Márton Lőrinc, Fehér Áron
Publisher: Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár
ISBN: 978-606-9750-23-0 (606-9750-23-3)
Date of publication: 2019-06-01
Number of pages: 120
Series: Lecture Notes
Field of Science: Engineering
Weight: - kg.

Irányítástechnika laboratóriumi útmutató [Laboratory Guide for Control Technology]

This laboratory exercise guidebook aims to provide a deeper understanding of the design and implementation of classic control methods. The first four exercises cover the problem of temperature control. The students have to implement a software-based control loop for a single-input single-output system. The software have to contain the graphical process monitoring, a hysteresis controller, proportional control, and a reference-tracking algorithm.

The fifth and sixth exercises deal with the control of systems with dead time. In these exercises, the students will learn the controller tuning methods with the help of an industrial furnace application, and the principle of self-tuning control. The reference model-based controller design is shown in the seventh exercise through a chemical concentration control problem. Most control methods require the model of the controlled system. In the eighth exercise, the students will study the model of a DC motor. In the ninth activity, the previously designed model will be used for cascade position control algorithm design.

The tenth exercise shows the effect of the Proportional Integrative Derivative (PID) controller parameter tuning of the controller on control loop performances. The eleventh exercise presents the control algorithms that use feed-forward terms and compares them with control methods containing integrator terms. The twelfth exercise provides an insight into the nonlinear control design methods through the model-based control of the ball and beam system.

Scientia Publishing House


Scientia Publishing House

Established in the year 2001, the Cluj-Napoca-based Scientia Publishing House is the publisher of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. The Publisher’s scope of activity is in line with the mission as well as the educational and scientific development strategy.


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