Scientia Publishing House – Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
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Marketing-, menedzsment- és pénzügyi esettanulmányok az agrár-, erdő- és élelmiszer-gazdaságtan területéről
Title: Marketing-, menedzsment- és pénzügyi esettanulmányok az agrár-, erdő- és élelmiszer-gazdaságtan területéről
Author: Bíró Bíborka Eszter, Bíró Boróka Júlia
Publisher: Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár
ISBN: 978-606-9750-46-9 (606-9750-46-2)
Date of publication: 2021-03-26
Number of pages: 104
Series: Lecture Notes
Field of Science: Law and Economics / Economics
Weight: - kg.

Marketing-, menedzsment- és pénzügyi esettanulmányok az agrár-, erdő- és élelmiszer-gazdaságtan területéről [ Marketing, Management, and Finance Case Studies from the Field of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food Economics]

The application of the case studies of this book for educational purposes aims to provide added value both methodologically and in terms of content in the field of economic and business training in Hungarian language. From a methodological point of view, it serves as a helping tool in the practical deepening of the theoretical material in the fields of marketing, management and finance. In terms of content, they present current and real corporate situations, business opportunities, economic and political circumstances. From a geographical point of view, the twelve case studies take place in the Szeklerland region. Industry-specific cases focus on the following areas: agriculture, food industry, forestry and rural development.

The case study approach consists in the use of simulations of real cases or real life situations in companies to outline a particular economic theory, economic policy or business situation. When reading cases, the reader faces various challenges, opportunities, problems, decision-making possibilities, which are also real or imitate reality. Case studies do not have a single so-called correct solution, but give the possibility to discover different options for solving them.

Scientia Publishing House


Scientia Publishing House

Established in the year 2001, the Cluj-Napoca-based Scientia Publishing House is the publisher of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. The Publisher’s scope of activity is in line with the mission as well as the educational and scientific development strategy.


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