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Teaching Collocations. An Integrated Approach
Title: Teaching Collocations. An Integrated Approach
Author: Nagy Tünde
Publisher: Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár
ISBN: 978-606-975-069-8 ()
Date of publication: 2022-10-20
Number of pages: 172
Series: Sapientia Books
Field of Science: Humanities / Linguistics
Weight: 0,33 kg.

Price: 68,00 RON, 5.311,00 HUF
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Although in the last few decades emphasis has been laid on teaching vocabulary in foreign language classes, the importance of collocations often remains overlooked. Collocational awareness as a significant skill for language learners and language users (translators) alike can be acquired and developed at all levels provided enough attention is given to these linguistic constructions. While no perfect method exists that would guarantee the successful acquisition of collocations, it is believed that an integrated approach that combines various teaching methods, along with widely applicable teaching principles and strategies (Kumaravadivelu 2003), can yield satisfactory results.

The theoretical considerations of the lexical approach (Lewis 1993, 2000) and also that of the task-based approach (Ellis 2003) provide useful teaching objectives, among which we can find the importance of teaching collocations and language chunks, noticing (giving students enough input so that they can observe the use of collocations in context), fostering students’ problem-solving skills and at the same time actively drawing their attention to collocations, providing contexts in which students can see collocations in their entirety, etc. Following the guidelines outlined in these approaches to a certain extent, the book offers a possible alternative to teaching collocations, also including exercises that can be used in EFL, ESP (business English), and translation classes.

Scientia Publishing House


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