Global optimization includes nonlinear, stochastic and combinatorial programming, multiobjective programming, control, games, geometry, approximation, algorithms for parallel architectures and so on. Global optimization has a wide range of applications. Some of these are applications like engineering design, production management, computational chemistry, product mixture design, environmental pollution management, parameter estimation, VLSI design, neural network learning, etc. Due to the rapid development of practical global optimization techniques in the last thirty years, it has gained the attention of researchers and practitioners from a lot of scientific domains like applied mathematics, operations research, industrial engineering, management science, computer science, and so on.In this book, two important fields of continuous global optimization have been considered: the stochastic and the interval arithmetic based global optimization.
Editura Scientia
Editura Scientia este editura Universității „Sapientia” din Cluj-Napoca, înființată în anul 2001. Activitatea editurii este organizată în conformitate cu misiunea și strategia de dezvoltare educațională și științifică a universității.
Editura Scientia
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